Start up App ideas for 2017 – Part 2

startup ideas part 2-01

Wallet – say farewell to paper receipts!

A few people keep them in their wallets

A few people keep them in shoeboxes

A great many people are disappointed with keeping them sorted out.

It deteriorates when you are searching for this one specific receipt as you experience heaps of paper receipts.

These paper receipts are untidy, they are a bother to manage and they make it hard to monitor your costs.

Well Pocketbook takes care of your issues. Starting now and into the foreseeable future, you can pick to have the store send your receipt to your Pocketbook application, which keeps all your electronic receipts sorted out. You can look by date, by store, by sum or some other data for simple recovery at whatever point you require a specific receipt. It is simple and incredibly advantageous.

Wallet additionally gives you an outline of your costs which makes it such a great amount of simpler to screen your aggregate spending, paying little respect to whether you pay in real money or which charge/Mastercard you utilize.

Application is as of now a work in progress. In the event that you are keen on contributing, we invite you to go along with us!

Auto sharing Realtime Mobile App

I might want to have portable application which will help me to fill my auto by individuals (co-riders) in the event that I go some place. We can share expenses, be eco and meet new individuals.

There are auto sharing and ride-sharing administrations accessible however none of them is constant.

On the opposite side – on the off chance that you have to get some place e.g. driving to work why not to hop in somebody’s auto, share costs, get settled ride and be quicker contrasted with transports or prepares.

Application could work universally and give just neighborhood based query output of ride seekers and drivers.

Portable application for getting transport

I abhor that minute when you see your transport leaving directly before you and afterward need to sit tight for 15 minutes in the driving rain. I might want to have a portable application that would let you know each 30 s or 1 minute: “Your transport is leaving in 4 minutes, next one pursues another 15”, so I can choose whether it bodes well to run now or sit tight for the following one

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